AdminMYCrave’s Patent Picks Weird and WonderfulIn the world of innovation, not all groundbreaking inventions are complex or high-tech. Some of the most interesting patents stem from...
AdminMYCrave’s Patent Picks Weird and WonderfulPatents are essential in protecting innovations, allowing inventors to secure their creations and potentially transform them into...
AdminMYCrave’s Patent Picks Weird and WonderfulInnovation has a way of popping up in the most unexpected places. From solving common annoyances to making niche hobbies even more...
What are monopoly licensing, exclusive licensing and general licensing of trademarks?There are three types of trademark licenses: monopoly license, exclusive license, and ordinary license. With a monopoly license, the...
What are the prior rights that may conflict with trademark rights?Conflicting rights are commonplace in legal systems, and trademark rights are no exception. Trademark rights may clash with a range of...
Why does a trademark owner have a duty to use its trademark?When it comes to industrial property, a patentee who fails to use or underutilizes their patent may face compulsory licensing, but their...
How long is the term of protection of trademarks?According to the TRIPS Agreement, trademarks must be protected for a term of at least seven years, with a typical registration term of 10...
What are defensive trademarks?Trademark owners can register identical marks for multiple classes of goods and services as defensive trademarks. These defensive...
What are associated trademarks?Expanding the scope of protection of a trademark is essential to prevent others from capitalizing on its reputation. To achieve this, the...