AdminMYCrave’s Patent Picks Weird and WonderfulIn the world of innovation, not all groundbreaking inventions are complex or high-tech. Some of the most interesting patents stem from...
AdminMYCrave’s Patent Picks Weird and WonderfulPatents are essential in protecting innovations, allowing inventors to secure their creations and potentially transform them into...
AdminMYCrave’s Patent Picks Weird and WonderfulInnovation has a way of popping up in the most unexpected places. From solving common annoyances to making niche hobbies even more...
What is a wellknowntrademark?The concept of well-known trademarks was initially introduced in the Paris Convention, but it was not clearly defined. The TRIPS...
What types of registered trademarks are there?Registered trademarks can be categorized into two types: trademarks used on goods and service marks used for services. The former...
What is trademark use?A trademark is a symbol or sign that is utilized to distinguish the source of goods. It is used on products themselves, such as...
What are the differences between a trademark and a trade name?A trade name serves the purpose of distinguishing one business from another, while a trademark is used to differentiate the goods or...
What is a trademark?A trademark, or brand, is a symbol that is used to identify the origin of a product or service. The terms "trademark" and "brand" ...
What is a copyright notice?The purpose of the copyright notice is to indicate that a work is safeguarded by copyright, and is represented by the symbol "©," where ...