AdminMYCrave’s Patent Picks Weird and WonderfulIn the world of innovation, not all groundbreaking inventions are complex or high-tech. Some of the most interesting patents stem from...
AdminMYCrave’s Patent Picks Weird and WonderfulPatents are essential in protecting innovations, allowing inventors to secure their creations and potentially transform them into...
AdminMYCrave’s Patent Picks Weird and WonderfulInnovation has a way of popping up in the most unexpected places. From solving common annoyances to making niche hobbies even more...
60 % of Worlds Total Trademark Filing Activity only by 5 Countries.In the 2017-2018, almost 62% of all trademark filing activity – as measured in class counts, occurred at the top five offices. Increasing it
Global intellectual property applications and active IP rights.Demand for IP rights continues... Global filing activity for patents, utility models, trademarks and industrial designs increased in...
All you need to know about the new IPR PolicyThe new Intellectual Property Policy, unveiled by the Finance Minister complies with TRIPS. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley released India'