Trademark Jurisdictions in India.

All marks, compared to a word, label, device, numerical or colour combos, drawn diagrammatically to denote a specific service or product that you cope with, will be registered as a trademark in the Republic of India.
Trademarks are divided into forty-five categories, and also the product and services are sequestered into these categories. Once a trademark registration is finished for a specific business (goods or services), the issued mark finds its manner into that register. Thus, when applying for a trademark, it's essential to say the category beneath that the effect is registered.
Any company or individual, company, even associate degree NGO, will apply for trademark registration in the Republic of India once a sound trademark search. The mark to be registered should be original and distinctive, associate degrees not a replica of an already gift mark or those beneath validation for registration. Even foreign nationals or foreign entities are eligible for trademark registrations in the Republic of India.
The jurisdiction for filing a trademark application is called the ‘appropriate office’. There are five offices of the Trade Marks register, with every having jurisdiction over bound states.
Trade Marks registry, Maharashtra (Head Office)
Jurisdiction: State of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Goa
Trade Marks Registry, Delhi
Jurisdiction: The states of Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Union Territory Of Delhi And Chandigarh
Trade Marks registry, Kolkata
Jurisdiction: The states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Tripura And Union Territory Of Nagaland, Andaman & Nicobar Island
Trade Marks Registry, Ahmedabad
Jurisdiction: The states of Gujarat and Rajasthan and Union Territory of Damman, Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli
Trade Marks Registry, Chennai
Jurisdiction: The states of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka And Union Territory Of Pondicherry And Lakshadweep Island
The appropriate office for applying for a specific business is the Trademark registry inside whose boundaries the company takes place.
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