60 % of Worlds Total Trademark Filing Activity only by 5 Countries.
Further, it is importing to note that by calculating application class count per unit of GDP allows us to compare trademark filing activity in countries with different filing systems (single-class versus multi-class) and economies of very different sizes. On this measure, smaller countries such as Chile and Switzerland rank higher than some large countries with higher class counts in absolute terms, for example, the U.S.
Using the Nice Classification, trademark applications can be attributed to 10 industry sectors. It is necessary to see the sector in which the brand names are being filed as it helps to identify the sector in which business is pursuing expansion. Of the fields available, either of research and technology, business services or leisure and education has featured among the three sectors attracting the highest volumes of trademark applications from four of these five origins. Agriculture and clothing were among the top three sectors for applicants from China, and health was a top sector for applicants based in the U.S.
Talking about Trademark application being filed in multiple countries as a part of business expansion, U.S. and Germany are the biggest users of the Madrid System which makes it possible for a trademark holder to apply for trademark registration in multiple countries by filing a single international application via a national or regional IP office. Around 57,400 Madrid international applications were filed in 2017, once again setting a record for the number of applications filed. 2017 also marked an eighth consecutive year of growth. This 7.2% increase was driven by strong growth in applications from China (+57.8%), the Russian Federation (+23.9) and the United Kingdom (U.K.; +9.5%). The highest numbers of international applications were filed by applicants domiciled in the U.S. (7,889) and Germany (7,319).
The companies which have ranked the Trademark filers list consists of the cosmetics and beauty giant L’Oréal of France which held its position as the top Madrid applicant for the second year in a row. It was followed by pharmaceutical company Richter Gedeon (117) of Hungary, Germany-based games-maker ADP Gauselmann (104), and pharmaceutical company Novartis (96) and retailer Abercrombie & Fitch Europe (82), both based in Switzerland. Sixth-ranked Apple (74) of the U.S. moved up seven places from 13th rank in the previous year. Trademarking of the brand helps to build trust and it ensures the security of the brand against the infringers whom intentional tries to misguide the consumers for a selfish motive. So, let’s take the right step and choose novel names when starting a business and with Trademark let us make India, a land of Indigenous brands.
In the 2017-2018, almost 62% of all trademark filing activity – as measured in class counts, occurred at the top five offices. Increasing its share of the worldwide total, the office of China (46.3%) now accounts for close to half of all global trademark filing activity, primarily from Chinese residents. The office of China’s class count of 5.74 million ranked first followed by a count of 613,921 at the office of the U.S. These have been the top two offices since the early 2000s but, since 2007, China’s class count has grown from close to double that of the U.S. to over nine times as much. These two offices were followed by that of Japan (560,269), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO; 371,508) and that of the Islamic Republic of Iran (358,353) which accounted for between about 3% and 5% of the total.
Among the top 10 offices, the Islamic Republic of Iran (+87.9), China (+55.2%) and Japan (+24.2) recorded extremely high growth compared to 2016. In contrast, the offices of France, India and the Republic of Korea saw declines in filing activity. Brazil (186,103) and Mexico (151,771) had higher trademark filing activity – as measured in class counts – than many other large middle-income countries.