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Let's know more about copyright !

What is Copyright?

A copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the government to the authors, artists, etc. of "original works.”


What can be Copyright?

  • literary works

  • musical works, including any accompanying words

  • dramatic works, including any accompanying music

  • pantomimes and choreographic works

  • pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works

  • motion pictures and other audiovisual works

  • sound recordings

  • architectural works


What is Not Protected under Copyright?

•Ideas, concepts, or discoveries

•Titles, names, short phrases, and slogans

•Works consisting entirely of information that is commonly available and contains no originality

•Anything written or created by the government.


What is infringement?

•Use of whole or part of an image without permission;

•Use beyond the scope of a license;

•Adapting an image without permission (art rendering, collage);

•Asking another photographer to recreate the image.


Popular Copyright Myths?

Public Domain is very misunderstood-since 1978 copyright attaches upon creation. Cannot assume that any work on the internet is public domain. The formality of copyright notice is no longer required under US law and never required in most foreign countries, one cannot assume that any work without notice can be used. these are some Myths people have nowadays....

•If it’s on the internet it is in the public domain and therefore free

•If there is no copyright notice, I can use the image

•If I alter the image I don’t need permission

•If I don’t profit from it, I can use it

•If I only use a part of the image I don’t need permission.


Rights of the owner control?

These rights are exclusive to the owner and permission is needed Copyright is like owning a bundle of sticks (like pick up sticks). You can give different users different rights. The same image can be used on a magazine cover, in an advertisement or incorporated in a documentary film, for example.

•Make copies of the work

•Distribute copies of the work

•Perform the work publicly (such as for plays, film, or music)

•Display the work publicly (such as for artwork, or any material used on the internet or television)

•Make “derivative works” (including making modifications, adaptations or other new uses of a work, or translating the work to another media).


Advantages of Copyright.

•A copyright creates a public record of the copyright claim.

•Copyright grants the owner the right to sue for copyright infringement.

•Registration within five years of publication creates prima facie (true on its face) proof that the copyright is valid.

•The owner of a registered copyright receives a certificate of registration.


Copyright safe zone..

The copyright law provides that reproduction "for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research" is not an infringement of copyright.

To know more please do visit MYCrave Consultancy & Services



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Basics of Intellectual Property | Difference Between Intellectual and Physical Property | S01 L01

Basics of Intellectual Property | Difference Between Intellectual and Physical Property | S01 L01

This lecture is Presented by MYCrave Consultancy and Services: #MYCrave Consultancy is a promoter of Patent, Copyright & Trademark and has initiated the propagation of providing the services of filing of #IPR at the lowest cost in India. The educational seminars conducted by the MYCrave Team help to build & develop Intellectual Asset for the institutions and also for the individuals attending it. For the commercialization of the Government approved innovative ideas and creative products, an International platform has been established where any intellectual product can be sold or purchased. We strive to provide the creative minds of our country with a well-deserved recognition and valuation for their novel and artistic asset. PATENT FILING: Prior Art Search at 2750/- only Permanent Patent at 7990/- only Provisional Patent at 3710/- only A patent is an intangible asset to the owner so we guarantee 100% security and confidentiality about the concept till it is registered under the Government. Patent Verification within 24 hours Get Patent Application Number in a day No Hidden cost, complete transparency Complete handling of Examinations Assured Government protection TRADEMARK FILING Trademark Registration @ 2750/- only Trademark Objection @ 449/- only Trademark Opposition @ 1499/- only Quickest Trademark Registration Total Transparency in procedures & Fees Assured security of the application legally Complete handling of objection & opposition Leave a legacy that is government Protected COPYRIGHT FILING: Copyright Filing at 2990*/- Guaranteed Lowest Copyright Filing Cost Total Transparency in procedures No Hidden cost, complete transparency Assured Full-Time assistance till registration Government Protection for your creativity
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पेटेंट क्या है? | पेटेंट की मूल बातें । What is patent? | Basics of Patent in India.

This lecture is Presented by MYCrave Consultancy and Services: MYCrave Consultancy is a promoter of Patent, Copyright & Trademark and has initiated the propagation of providing the services of filing of IPR at the lowest cost in India. The educational seminars conducted by the MYCrave Team help to build & develop Intellectual Asset for the institutions and also for the individuals attending it. For the commercialization of the Government approved innovative ideas and creative products, an International platform has been established where any intellectual product can be sold or purchased. We strive to provide the creative minds of our country with a well-deserved recognition and valuation for their novel and artistic asset. PATENT FILING: Prior Art Search at 2750/- only Permanent Patent at 7990/- only Provisional Patent at 3710/- only A patent is an intangible asset to the owner so we guarantee 100% security and confidentiality about the concept till it is registered under the Government. Patent Verification within 24 hours Get Patent Application Number in a day No Hidden cost, complete transparency Complete handling of Examinations Assured Government protection TRADEMARK FILING Trademark Registration @ 2750/- only Trademark Objection @ 449/- only Trademark Opposition @ 1499/- only Quickest Trademark Registration Total Transparency in procedures & Fees Assured security of the application legally Complete handling of objection & opposition Leave a legacy that is government Protected COPYRIGHT FILING: Copyright Filing at 2990*/- Guaranteed Lowest Copyright Filing Cost Total Transparency in procedures No Hidden cost, complete transparency Assured Full-Time assistance till registration Government Protection for your creativity
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बौद्धिक संपदा और भौतिक संपत्ति के बीच अंतर | Intellectual Property and Physical Property

This lecture is Presented by MYCrave Consultancy and Services: #MYCrave Consultancy is a promoter of Patent, Copyright & #Trademark and has initiated the propagation of providing the services of filing of IPR at the lowest cost in India. The educational seminars conducted by the MYCrave Team help to build & develop Intellectual Asset for the institutions and also for the individuals attending it. For the commercialization of the Government approved innovative ideas and creative products, an International platform has been established where any intellectual product can be sold or purchased. We strive to provide the creative minds of our country with a well-deserved recognition and valuation for their novel and artistic asset. PATENT FILING: Prior Art Search at 2750/- only Permanent Patent at 7990/- only Provisional Patent at 3710/- only A patent is an intangible asset to the owner so we guarantee 100% security and confidentiality about the concept till it is registered under the Government. Patent Verification within 24 hours Get Patent Application Number in a day No Hidden cost, complete transparency Complete handling of Examinations Assured Government protection TRADEMARK FILING Trademark Registration @ 2750/- only Trademark Objection @ 449/- only Trademark Opposition @ 1499/- only Quickest Trademark Registration Total Transparency in procedures & Fees Assured security of the application legally Complete handling of objection & opposition Leave a legacy that is government Protected COPYRIGHT FILING: Copyright Filing at 2990*/- Guaranteed Lowest Copyright Filing Cost Total Transparency in procedures No Hidden cost, complete transparency Assured Full-Time assistance till registration Government Protection for your creativity
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Early publication of patent application in India | Form 09 | Indian Patent Application form

Difference between Complete Specification and Provisional Application : How to draft Form 2 : How to draft Form 18: How to Draft From 1: Basic Of IPR : This lecture is Presented by MYCrave Consultancy and Services: MYCrave Consultancy is a promoter of Patent, Copyright & Trademark and has initiated the propagation of providing the services of filing of IPR at the lowest cost in India. The educational seminars conducted by the MYCrave Team help to build & develop Intellectual Asset for the institutions and also for the individuals attending it. For the commercialization of the Government approved innovative ideas and creative products, an International platform has been established where any intellectual product can be sold or purchased. We strive to provide the creative minds of our country with a well-deserved recognition and valuation for their novel and artistic asset. PATENT FILING: Prior Art Search at 2750/- only Permanent Patent at 7990/- only Provisional Patent at 3710/- only A patent is an intangible asset to the owner so we guarantee 100% security and confidentiality about the concept till it is registered under the Government. Patent Verification within 24 hours Get Patent Application Number in a day No Hidden cost, complete transparency Complete handling of Examinations Assured Government protection
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