What is the InternationalPatent Classification?

The vast number of patent documents in circulation
worldwide makes it difficult for people to locate the
specific documents they require. In order to address
this issue, the International Patent Classification (IPC)
the system was established in 1971 through the Strasbourg
Agreement. This system provides a structured, hierarchical
approach to classifying patents and utility models based
on the respective technological fields to which they relate.
The IPC system uses language-independent symbols for
classification and divides invention patents into sections,
classes, subclasses, main groups, and subgroups. The
following is an overview of the sections of the IPC system:
A: Human necessities
B: Performing operations; transporting
C: Chemistry; metallurgy
D: Textiles; paper
E: Fixed constructions
F: Mechanical engineering; lighting; heating;
weapons; blasting
G: Physics
H: Electricity