Earn big with the security of your asset
Assured legal support in case of litigation
Personal Notifications in case of status change
Restrict competitors from misusing your asset
Extend the life of your Intellectual Asset
Get various services under Watchdog; for the applied IP
Under this service, your applied asset will have dual protection, one under the hands of the government and the other by the MYCrave’s professionals. Objections, Oppositions, Renewals, Infringements, Hearings all will be legally taken care of.
Lease a professional to secure your applied IP to get is registered.
Under this service, your applied asset will have dual protection, one under the hands of the government and the other by the MYCrave’s professionals. Objections, Oppositions, Renewals, Infringements, Hearings all will be legally taken care of.
Watchdog services are good for long term business.
Businessmen’s can multitask and we agree, but all cannot be done single-handed, and we aim to be your support team for your Intellectual asset. Along with the filing, we will assist you till your asset needs protection or till you want it to be protected.
Watchdog Protection is different from Government Protection
Watchdog keeps a keen eye on the filed IP to catch the offender who tries to violate the asset either openly or through hidden means and the government assures that the asset is viable to be protected legally due to its registration with the body.
Absolute management of Examination report
Guaranteed clearance in case of online hearing
Complete support to file an opposition
Legal Help in the case of litigation
Handling of the Patent Renewal procedure
Legal protection from impostors
Assured help in case of Litigation
Professional guidance during scrutiny
Assistance in case of hearing
Safety even after the registration.
Assured Clearance of Objection
Legal Assistance in case of opposition
Total protection against infringements
Simplified renewal procedures
Professional help in case of litigation